
søndag den 5. februar 2012

2nd semester and a belly...

So, last exam has finally past and yes I did pass with a beautiful 7 and I think that would be like an American B+, just if some of you don't know how much it means :)
I must admit that I'm a little bit surprised about the grade because I didn't prepared myself properly. So if I had done that I may had have a 10(A-) or maybe even 12(A+). Next time I know I have to prepare myself better >:D

After the exams I had some days of before the 2nd semester start and I used them to relax. Two of the days I watched Teen Titans, you know, that 'old' cartoon show. I saw all 5 season and the movie :D I used to watch it as kid and I got to see some of the episode I had missed from that time. And I must admit that Raven is my favourite.
Yeah, I may be a little geeky, but I like to watch 'old' cartoons from my childhood. I think these days that new cartoons ain't that good. Low, fast productions with really no plot or anything. I got really angry when they changed Lilo, from the series 'Lilo and Stich', look it up!!

I have also started (like 6 months ago) to grow my hair long. I used to have above shoulder-length, but now I have let it grow for the last half year. I haven't been to a hairdresser, but my hair is still in fine condition. It grow relative fast, so it's now past my shoulders. It have even begun to wave a little bit witch is unusual because my hair is normally damn straight.

Last Wednesday I was at my university for the 2nd semester start. We were supposed to pick new project-groups and I ended up with the same one I had last semester which I'm really happy with :) Then after that I went home to my mother's house and stayed there until Sunday. And I got to know that London trip 2012 is now 100% sure :D So at July I'm going to London which then is my 4th time :3

I'm also starting at the gym again. There has opened a gym centre only 100 meters from where I live and I can get study-discount so that is just perfect :D I can't wait to start so I can train my body up again and loose those extra kilos that have been on me too long. I also hope to train my back up again fast, because the last couple of months I haven't been able to feel asleep before like 2 am because of my back. My back hurts because it's out of training, if you can say that -_______-

I think that is all for now. The next week is going to be with classes from 9 am to 3-4 pm every day. It's going to be though, but properly funny to learn something new :D

From Pernille <3

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